Below are just a few of many projects that we have assisted with.

Suncor, Fort Hills Project
12,000 Employees - Collected daily data; Provided overnight analytics to hundreds of contractors.
Achievements: Extraordinary Participation Award & Chairman of the Board Safety Award.
Shell Carmon Creek
$4 Billion Project; Assisted over 1,000 employees; Delivered data and analytics.
Achievements: Global Award for Improving Performance in a high-risk environment awarded from the Netherlands.

Imperial Oil "Nabiye" Project
Streamlined engagement for workers; 85% daily participation from 1,000 workers.
Achievements: Significant decrease in accident rate
and 5% boost in productivity.
Devon's Jackfish
Project #3
Billion-dollar project in Northern Canada; Managed
and established employee engagement processes
and provided analytics.
Achievements: First Place President's Award for Excellence.

Hibernia Project
Introduced behavior-based data collection with union involvement.
Achievements: Exxon's First Global Culture Change Award.
JV Driver
Implemented our program across all major projects
for several years.
Achievements: "Think Different, Build Better" Award
for Excellence.

CIMS Limited
Delivered data analysis on over 90 projects across Canada.
Achievements: Two consecutive National Canadian Awards for Safety Excellence.
Deepwater Pathfinder
Joint project with ConocoPhillips and R&B Falcon; Improved cost-per-foot rate from $1,800/foot to $900/foot in nine months.
Achievements: No accidents.

Phillips 66 Turnaround Initiative
Supported the company in boosting engagement.
Achievements: Increased participation from 800 to 26,000 with no injuries.
Exxon's Sakhalin Island Project
Managed 12 Russian locations, processing 4,000 handwritten documents daily; Converted Russian documents to English; Provided comprehensive
reports and analytics in both languages for every contractor and location.
Achievements: Won Global Safety Award.